The Death of a Child

>> Friday, July 10, 2009


I just read an interview from a Father and Pastor in Alberta, Canada whose little girl was murdered in broad daylight.

Here's an excerpt and a quote from Spurgeon:
"Dear friend, have you found that trouble cuts the cords that tie you to earth? When the Lord takes a child, there is one less cord to fasten you to this world and another band to draw you toward heaven. When money vanishes and business goes wrong, we frequent the prayer meeting, the prayer closet and the Bible. Trials drive us from earth. If all went well, we would begin to say, "Soul, relax". But when things go amiss, we want to be gone. When the tree shakes, the bird flies away. Happy is the trouble that loosens our grip of earth." - From Beside Still Waters

HT: Challies


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