On Loving Your Coffee and Your Neighbor – Kevin DeYoung

>> Friday, March 12, 2010

This article was mostly about Starbucks claiming to provide a cup of coffee that will bring about community in your life and save the world (which apparently it doesn't...who knew!?). If that interests you, check the link.

However, I liked something DeYoung said at the very end of the article:

Enjoy your Starbucks coffee, but don’t imagine you are the “global Good Samaritan” for doing so. You may have noticed from books like Stuff White People Like and Hipster Christianity that there is something of a backlash afoot against pretentious coolness. Please here me (and see point 3): there’s nothing bad, and probably lots good, about listening to emo bands, drinking fair trade coffee, and reading Wendell Barry at Panera Bread. Just don’t wear it all as a badge of spiritual honor.

Those who like McDonalds more than Starbucks and Bell’s Pizza more than Magdalena’s Tea House need to be extra careful that in an effort to defend the “uncool” they don’t end up demonizing the “cool.” Some people like the things that “hipsters” like. No problem. They need Jesus too. We all need Jesus. The battle is between God and the devil, between good and evil, between sin and righteousness, not between bourgeois and bohemian.

Forget hip and unhip. Don’t try to be cool. Don’t revel in being uncool. Just be who you are and love your neighbor as yourself.

I'd probably lean more to glorying in the "uncool" and judging the "cool", but it's all the same. Let's "be who we are" and boast in the cross.

On Loving Your Coffee and Your Neighbor – Kevin DeYoung


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