Good Luck!

>> Tuesday, March 31, 2009

This post on Stuff Christians Like made me laugh more than they normally do:

Well, I mean, I don't personally believe in luck, but you might. I believe that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. But how am I supposed to say that to you, my colleague from work, in the break room?

"I hope God works all things for the good of those who love him this weekend at your 10K race!"

That's a mouthful, but seriously, I probably shouldn't be saying "good luck." Some Christians don't even say "Pot Lucks." They call them "Pot Blessings" which kind of sounds like the headline from an issue of the marijuana magazine "High Times" but I'm only digging myself into a deeper hole of awkwardness at this point.

Would it be weird if I told you "Have a blessed 10K?" Does that make me sound like I’m the kind of person that would throw holy water on you during the race or hand you communion wine at one of those drink stands along the course instead of Gatorade? And do I have to over pronounce the "ed" at the end of that word like some people do? Do I say “blessed” like I would say “messed” or do I need to pronounce it "bless-ed." I always feel like some random guy named Ed is getting hooked up when people do that.

This is getting so complicated. From here on out, I'm dropping luck, I'm dropping bless-ed and am just going to say "Yay running!" and throw both hands into the air with spirit fingers. Wait, are spirit fingers related to the Holy Spirit or are those bad too? Ohhh, slippery slope, slippery slope indeed. I'll go with jazz hands then, definitely jazz hands.


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