Mushroom Hunting

>> Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Steve Evans, a superintendent that I work with, brought up the topic of Mushroom Hunting.

I then replied, "what exactly is mushroom hunting?"

His answer, "Mushroom hunting is like bar hopping, but you don't hunt for women, you hunt for mushrooms."

I instantly came to the computer and wrote it here. It is, as i'm sure you agree, undeniably worthy to be posted on this blog.


chelsa May 20, 2009 at 3:51 PM  

since you seem to have an affinity for mushrooms, i thought you'd be interested to hear that they're really quite popular in the czech republic.

in fact, children learn about them throughout grade school. it's a pretty important subject, as many mushrooms are deathly poisonous. people go out mushroom picking every fall, and every fall there are a few cases of death by mushroom!

if you ever make it to the czech republic, you'll have to hit up a local to take you on a mushroom adventure! ;)

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